SuCaLess Chunky Peanut Butter

West: RM 23.80

East: RM 25.80

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Peanut Butter – Chunky

SuCaless Less Sugar & Less Calories Peanut Butter Chunky spread, made from peanuts blended with a pinch of salt and 3% = 10g of SuCaLess Low GL Sugar. You can taste a great texture chunky peanut on your mouth while you having your peanut butter spread. Although peanuts got a bad reputation for being fattening, but do you know that they actually contain a lot of vitamins and minerals which is good for our health. When consumed our peanut butter spread, remember stir it with the oil that occured to get the better taste.

Want to stay healthy or lose weight without compromising on your food? This peanut butter spread definitely will become your new favourite as we bring you healthier solutions that reduce your sugar and calories intake while still giving you the same delicious sweetness that you would love it.

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